Jesus and the Jews


Question: What is the meaning of the phrase “a prophet is not without honour except among his own people” (Mark 6:4)?


Jesus was referring to the response of the crowd of Jews He had been talking to!  He was in the Synagogue, and had been speaking, but the crowd of Jews would not accept His Words, (John 1:11)!

That occasion highlighted the fact that Jesus had been sent to “the Jews only” (at that time); Matt.15:24!

The short version is that He was again rejected by the Jews when before Pilate; and at the end of Acts; “28:25–28”; which changed the whole course of events thereafter; and the Gospel was then sent to the Gentiles, as Prime Object of God, and will remain so until Israel backtracks and accepts Jesus as their long awaited Messiah, when the events of Zech.12:10–12 is in play!  Also the Joel prophecy of the Holy Spirit’s endowment was also stopped and delayed, until the same events!

The time delay for the Jews is now until Romans 11:25–27 is complete!



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